Category Archives: Services

Parking [or not] on Main Street

Is it just me or does anyone else have an issue with the inconsiderate people who take more than one parking space on Main Street in the Town Center? I realize they are not the roomiest of spaces to begin with, but come on people. The trouble is if one car is parked over the line a tad, a domino effect is created. I, for one, will just keep going and not patronize a business if I can’t find a decent parking place.

Now before you say,  “Well get off your duff and walk”, I do.  I often park away from shops for the purpose of walking, but there are the times I want to just get in and get out such as Starbuck’s, Coldstone Creamery and the like where I don’t want to have to park a block or more away, and it is annoying to see someone take more than one spot.

While I am on the subject of parking another pet peeve is the people who apparently work at the Town Center taking the premium parking spots. [A certain red truck, I think you know who you are] Or, is it someone parking and riding the bus? hmm— All I know is that virtually every day in front of U Bookstore, Boston’s and in that general vicinity the same truck(s) are parked. Do tell.